Friday, November 30, 2012

I love Skyrim

I have probably put 500 hours into playing Skyrim.  My wife and I have watched that opening so many times.  She always wants me to rush to the Sheogorath quest first thing when ever I make a new character.

I wasn't going to finish this drawing at first cause I was afraid his pose was too stiff and boring, but I ended up getting really into the inking and then the coloring it turned out better then I thought it would.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


Did another one inked IRL.  My wife wanted a Tron picture she could put up at work.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Real Ink

I don't have a scanner any more so I took this with my phone and tried to clean up the levels in photoshop some.   I was trying to do some real world inking as opposed to digital.  Haven't done much of that in years.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Thanks Project Rooftop.

Project Rooftop released their list of honorable mentions for their Fantastic Four: Fashion Forward and I was one of them!  Thanks so much to everyone over there!

Here is the link.

Saturday, August 04, 2012

Spidey and Venom Page

I've worked my way back into making pages.  I used to do short 4 page stories a lot when I was a kid and in early college, but haven't done one in probably 10 years.  That's why I was kind of building my way back to it by doing some practice sketches.

I just came up with a very short one page sequence to start with, starring Venom and Spiderman.  Still not really comfortable with the coloring part, I tried some new things here.  I think I'm happy with the turnout.  What do you guys think over all?

Monday, July 16, 2012


Project Rooftop is doing a Fantastic Four costume contest this month.  I was thinking of entering but I didn't really do anything novel here so we'll see.  Either way this was fun and more good practice.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Monday, July 09, 2012

Wonder Woman

With tonight's drawing I wanted to see what I could do with a gladiator style Wonder Woman.

Saturday, July 07, 2012


I'm really excited to go see the new Spiderman tomorrow so of course that's the inspiration for this latest practice piece.  I want to start doing pages but haven't really figured out what to do yet, so for now I figure some fun panels would be cool to work into it.

I'm posting the black and whites too now I think cause I'm not totally sure about my coloring skills.

Thursday, July 05, 2012

A New Goal

I've been meaning to resurrect this blog.  I decided to give it a new URL that is more appropriate.  It's now (sorry to all you sketchfat fan), the old one will still work too though.

The other reason I decided to resurrect it is I have a new goal!  I have been in the games industry for 8 years now and that's going totally great, but I've always had that childhood love of drawing comics.  Some of you may know I have been doing a webcomic with my friend Mike Fahmie for 3 and a half years called  That is still going but I want to work toward breaking into mainstream comics some day.  I know that's a lofty goal, but I figure so is making video game art professionally, so what the heck why not go for it.

So for the past couple weeks I've done a few sketches to start getting me in the mood.  Rather then just emailing them to my friend Pat for feedback, it's time I post them here for all to see as I do them.